The Fashion Vibes platform unites all the professionals in the fashion industry into a single portal about fashion, creativity and art. We invite you to plunge into the world of fashion shows, presentations, exclusive interviews, shopping and creative ideas.
The Fashion Vibes platform unites all the professionals in the fashion industry into a single portal about fashion, creativity and art. We invite you to plunge into the world of fashion shows, presentations, exclusive interviews, shopping and creative ideas.
Fashion Vibes is an exclusive platform dedicated to fashion professionals.
Our catalog of models, photographers, designers, stylists, make-up artists and influencers is constantly expanding. We are always looking for new faces! Join our international community to grow in visibility and expand your network of contacts with other professionals in the sector.
Registering for the catalog is simple and totally free! Just create your profile by entering your data and selecting your category to immediately enter the big family of Fashion Vibes.
During the pandemic, Fashion Vibes developed a new platform to experience fashion at 360 degrees, even in a virtual format.
In our online shop you can exclusively buy the products of our brands immediately after the presentation show! We invite you to visit our virtual shop and explore its ever-expanding catalog to be the first to wear truly unique garments.
We are working for you to improve the shopping experience more and more. A new shop that will be launched shortly is already in the hands of our developers… stay tuned!
If you are a designer and want to join the Fashion Vibes family to present your products in our shop, please contact us by email! Our team will answer as soon as possible.
Fashion Vibes is an event organization agency that operates in international settings such as that of Milan Fashion Week, providing support to both established and emerging artists.
We aim to grow our community with new talents, bright minds able to amaze the public with their ideas and their products. What we are looking for is innovation of techniques, lines and materials. If you are a designer and have exclusive items to offer, if you believe in eco-sustainability and high-quality craftsmanship is your means of creation, this is the right place!
Fashion Vibes organizes online and offline events, usually within important international settings, such as Milan Fashion Week. On the portal you can consult the calendar of scheduled events and choose a date for your own event.
Fashion Vibes is the official partner of Vancouver Fashion Week and Brasil Eco Fashion Week. We invite other international organizations to become our partners and insert their events within the Fashion Vibes calendar. Distances are shortened with the new means available to fashion! It doesn't matter if your fashion show or the presentation of your product will be held on the other side of the globe: thanks to Fashion Vibes and its digital events, you can still grow in visibility and secure a wider audience, taking advantage of our printing and advertising services.
Fashion Vibes is a platform addressed to the world of fashion but also to other luxury products. We devote the utmost attention to our partners and companies that want to increase the fame of their product and their brand.
Do not hesitate to email us for information on how to enter the world of Fashion Vibes! Our team will answer you as soon as possible to make an appointment also by videoconference.
Fashion Vibes is constantly looking for new partners and advertisers. This section is dedicated to all fashion, jewelry and accessories brands and other luxury and high-quality products that wish to become part of the FV world to increase their visibility. The luxury we are looking for is not just the one that you can you wear: wine, water and chocolate brands, for example, are invited to participate. Our team will evaluate the product and propose a personalized advertising program that will introduce your brand within the events of Fashion Week and Pitti Bimbo.
Do not hesitate to email us for information on how to join our network! Our team will answer you as soon as possible to make an appointment also by videoconference.
During the pandemic, Fashion Vibes developed a new platform to experience fashion at 360 degrees, even in a virtual format.
In our online shop you can exclusively buy the products of our brands immediately after the presentation show! We invite you to visit our virtual shop and explore its ever-expanding catalog to be the first to wear truly unique garments.
We are working for you to improve the shopping experience more and more. A new shop that will be launched shortly is already in the hands of our developers… stay tuned!
If you are a designer and want to join the Fashion Vibes family to present your products in our shop, please contact us by email! Our team will answer as soon as possible.
Fashion Vibes is a platform addressed to the world of fashion but also to other luxury products. We devote the utmost attention to our partners and companies that want to increase the fame of their product and their brand.
Do not hesitate to email us for information on how to enter the world of Fashion Vibes! Our team will answer you as soon as possible to make an appointment also by videoconference.
Fashion Vibes organizes online and offline events, usually within important international settings, such as Milan Fashion Week. On the portal you can consult the calendar of scheduled events and choose a date for your own event.
Fashion Vibes is the official partner of Vancouver Fashion Week and Brasil Eco Fashion Week. We invite other international organizations to become our partners and insert their events within the Fashion Vibes calendar. Distances are shortened with the new means available to fashion! It doesn't matter if your fashion show or the presentation of your product will be held on the other side of the globe: thanks to Fashion Vibes and its digital events, you can still grow in visibility and secure a wider audience, taking advantage of our printing and advertising services.
Fashion Vibes is an event organization agency that operates in international settings such as that of Milan Fashion Week, providing support to both established and emerging artists.
We aim to grow our community with new talents, bright minds able to amaze the public with their ideas and their products. What we are looking for is innovation of techniques, lines and materials. If you are a designer and have exclusive items to offer, if you believe in eco-sustainability and high-quality craftsmanship is your means of creation, this is the right place!
Fashion Vibes is constantly looking for new partners and advertisers. This section is dedicated to all fashion, jewelry and accessories brands and other luxury and high-quality products that wish to become part of the FV world to increase their visibility. The luxury we are looking for is not just the one that you can you wear: wine, water and chocolate brands, for example, are invited to participate. Our team will evaluate the product and propose a personalized advertising program that will introduce your brand within the events of Fashion Week and Pitti Bimbo.
Do not hesitate to email us for information on how to join our network! Our team will answer you as soon as possible to make an appointment also by videoconference.
RUNWAY Collection FW'24
During Milan Fashion Week 23 Feb, 2023
FASHION VIBES’ Fashion Vibes Fashion Week Woman digital was born as a response to social distancing and the difficulty of traveling imposed by the global health situation, but it also wants to be a dynamic solution to the complexities of the present, a tool designed to live a life of one’s own or to support the appointment. with physical fashion shows, when it will be possible to return to face-to-face appointments, which remain fundamental in promoting the enormous productive and creative value of fashion in the world.

Il 4 giugno nella sala cerimoniale “Izvestija Hall” per la quinta volta si è tenuto uno dei più grandi concorsi di bellezza russi per le donne sposate e madri – Mrs World Russia 2021. Vincitrice assoluta del concorso è diventata la madre trentenne di due gemelle, destinata a rappresentare il Paese al concorso internazionale di bellezza Mrs World.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes in digitale nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale.Una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente che permette alle collezioni e ai marchi di promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda.

Il 29 aprile nel leggendario ristorante Modus si è svolta la seconda ceremonia di premiazione della rivista “Persona Style” – “Persona Style Awards 2021”. All'evento hanno partecipato famosi artisti, atleti, attori, politici di spicco, i businessman di successo della Russia, figure chiave del mondo dello spettacolo, blogger e designer.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale, ma vuole anche essere una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente, uno strumento progettato per vivere di vita propria o per sostenere l’appuntamento con le sfilate fisiche, quando sarà possibile tornare agli appuntamenti in presenza, che restano fondamentali nel promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda nel mondo.

Fashion Vibes Fashion Week Woman – în format digital – s-a născut ca răspuns la distanțarea socială și dificultățile de călătorie impuse de situația globală, dar își propune să fie o soluție dinamică la complexitățile prezentului, fiind un instrument conceput pentru a sprijini creatorii de modă, până când va fi posibilă revenirea la prezentările de modă clasice, care rămân fundamentale în promovarea enormei valori productive și creative a modei, în lume.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale, ma vuole anche essere una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente, uno strumento progettato per vivere di vita propria o per sostenere l’appuntamento con le sfilate fisiche, quando sarà possibile tornare agli appuntamenti in presenza, che restano fondamentali nel promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda nel mondo.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes di settembre, dal 22 al 28, sarà un evento virtuale, causa disposizioni per la pandemia da Covid-19. Il mondo della Moda come per tutti gli eventi dove si raccolgono migliaia di persone, è ancora nel limbo della ripresa e dell’insicurezza per il presente e per il futuro dei contatti tra umani. A febbraio siamo riusciti a vedere le ultime passerelle con le modelle, abiti reali e gli stilisti in presenza, circondati dallo scintillio di luci, cocktail, colori, circo mediatico, musica a palla e migliaia di visitatori in ogni location.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale, ma vuole anche essere una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente, uno strumento progettato per vivere di vita propria o per sostenere l’appuntamento con le sfilate fisiche, quando sarà possibile tornare agli appuntamenti in presenza, che restano fondamentali nel promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda nel mondo.

The Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes in digital was born as a response to social distancing and the difficulty of traveling imposed by the global health situation, but it also wants to be a dynamic solution to the complexities of the present, a tool designed to live a life of one’s own or to support the appointment. with physical fashion shows, when it will be possible to return to face-to-face appointments, which remain fundamental in promoting the enormous productive and creative value of fashion in the world.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale, ma vuole anche essere una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente, uno strumento progettato per vivere di vita propria o per sostenere l’appuntamento con le sfilate fisiche, quando sarà possibile tornare agli appuntamenti in presenza, che restano fondamentali nel promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda nel mondo.

Settimana della moda Fashion Vibes nasce come risposta al distanziamento sociale e alla difficoltà di viaggiare imposta dalla situazione sanitaria mondiale, ma vuole anche essere una soluzione dinamica alle complessità del presente, uno strumento progettato per vivere di vita propria o per sostenere l’appuntamento con le sfilate fisiche, quando sarà possibile tornare agli appuntamenti in presenza, che restano fondamentali nel promuovere l’enorme valore produttivo e creativo della Moda nel mondo.