Mariia is demanding of herself and people around her; she always follows her intended goal. Brave, active, determined, persistent, girl with a rich imagination, artistic, sensitive, emotional, impressionable. Responsible approach to any issue. Loves skiing and horses. Dreams of becoming a model and an actress. Studies at the studio of dance Todes Alla Dukhova. Graduated from modeling school Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Studied at the Royal Model Agency; was acting in Roskids; studies at the Ostankino Show School on TV and Radio host. Since the age of two he has been engaged in horse riding. Since the age of two practice skiing. At the age of 4 she was first on the podium of Estet Fashion Week and Mini mi 2018 in Verona; in 2018, 2019 she was the face of the whole Estet Fashion Week Designers : Shibina Nadezhda, Kristina Kibovskaya, podium kids, Irina Charlau with Funny Sunny brand; Participant of Moscow Fashion Week 2018 and 2019 designers: Irina Charlau, Anastasia Mishina brand Stasia&Stasia, Unico, L'erede, was the Face of Shibina Nadezhda show; In 2018 and 2019 participated in Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week shows designers: Irina Charlau, Nadezhda Shibina. Participant in the 2018 Chapeau Fashion Week; Participant in Fimi 2019 Spain designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada ; Participant of Belarus Fashion Week 2019 with Acoola kids brand, Makav ka ARAB Fasion Week 2019 participant Designer Kristina Kibovskaya; Participant of European Fashion Union 2019 at the official Milan Fashion Week with Italian brand Mimilu; Participant of Fiesta y boda 2019 Valencia Spain with Teresita Royal brand; Participant of Sochi Fashion Week 2019; Filmed in the series Adventures on the famous manor for Kinotavrika 2019. She was in a Bukatara video for "Just Dance"... She was photographed for Canadian magazine Portrait denfants by Marie Helene Gravel. Cover of #BLOGGMAGAZINE magazine presentation was in Florence at Fashion Week Florence by photographer Nadezhda Shibina. Magazine Voyage Photographer Nadezhda Shibina . Cover of the magazine Beautiful Kids. Top Photographers with whom Marussia worked: Yaroslav Polyakov, Nadezhda Shibina, Marie Helene Gravel, Santo & Sena, Roshan Cool, Maria Gert, Vikkafox, Dmitry Babushkin, Anna Vinogradova, Nadezhda Fetisova, Ekaterina Dorogina, Elena Pomogayeva, Olga Amber, Oksana Litvinova, Yulia Chernaya, Evgenia Lvova.
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The rules are simple, register, create your accounts, fill in all the fields correctly and also be attentive to the photo, upload only high-quality photos. We wish you the best of luck and thank you!