Partecipante a sfilate di moda, Junior fashion week 2019 per il designer By_vel, nonché spettacolo internazionale per bambini 1year.mdl, Vincitore di concorsi di bellezza tra cui kids fashion face online 2019, Look book “Miss Foto Ua” del brand By_vel (pubblicazione sul sito ufficiale e poster del marchio) oltre a “Foto Miss Ferlioni 30's”, è stato pubblicato sulle riviste “Kids Mode 19”, “Kids Mode 19/20” e “KriSse Magazine 19” “fashion Today 19” oltre che sul catalogo “ Top kids Model Ucraina 2020 ”. servizio pubblicitario per “vy.kids” e “babydreams_clothes” Vincitore della nomination “Beginner Fashion Model of the Year” al premio “Plombir”, partecipante alle sfilate della Junior fashion week 2019/20 per “Marina Kozacenko” ed “EvaLiza” . Ha partecipato al progetto fotografico “Miss Foto Ua” 2020.
Welcome to our free online catalog. The goal of our project is to help professional models, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, actors and bloggers to get a decent job in the best projects.
We do the whole process as simple and straightforward as possible, and most importantly free. You will be able to get a job, a new collaboration to participate in auditions, or you will be noticed by the right people who are looking for you!
The rules are simple, register, create your accounts, fill in all the fields correctly and also be attentive to the photo, upload only high-quality photos. We wish you the best of luck and thank you!
The rules are simple, register, create your accounts, fill in all the fields correctly and also be attentive to the photo, upload only high-quality photos. We wish you the best of luck and thank you!